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Watch the Ford F-150 EV go dashing through the snow

We know the Ford F-150 EV is coming. We know it’ll go into production in mid-2022. We know it’ll be one of the first electric pickups you’ll be able to buy from a mainstream manufacturer.

But how does an OEM hold over potential customers while they wait to be able to place their orders and take delivery? Teasers.

Teasers from testing. Teasers from out driving. Teasers from out in the snow.

Since snow is the name of the season around most of the country, Ford is using that a base to showcase some winter weather snow testing of the Ford F-150 EV.

Released on the @FordTrucks Twitter account, you can watch the new EV Ford pickup tearing it up in some fresh, white powder.

It looks like fun.

Written by Chad Kirchner
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